You are part of the 98% of small business enterprises in Australia, but you are struggling with your hiring. What do you do?
This is a common challenge that we see in the marketplace for our clients. They feel as if they are “missing out” on top tier talent because they are not able to offer what larger corporations can. Sure, you may not have a dedicated talent acquisition specialist team, fancy recruitment software or fancy schmancy offices but what you do have is a business model that allows for some minor tweaks that will make a huge difference in your jobseeker attraction.
Remember that every jobseeker you meet should walk away with a positive experience of your brand and the company. We would love to hire every person who walks through our door, but that is unfortunately not the case.
Giving them your time and your energy will set you apart. How can you differentiate what you are currently doing?
Panel interviews in closed conference rooms are becoming a thing of the past. Engage with them, take them to lunch or a coffee, show them around your office, introduce them to as many staff members as is appropriate. This all may occur at different stages of the interview process, but it builds that attachment piece that your organisation is willing to go the extra mile and not just running through the motions of the hiring process.
Regardless of the outcome, the jobseeker will walk away with a positive experience that they will likely share with their networks and word of mouth is everything!
Maybe you don’t have a specific HR function in your office, that’s ok! There are so many resources out there that you can outsource these functions to. One of the best tools that we use for our clients when we place a candidate in a new role are Employment Attachment Inventory reports from SHC Bond.
The Employee Attachment Inventory (EAI) is a world first patented instrument for measuring the strength of bond between a new employee and the organisation within the first 90 days of employment. Hiring is just a part of the process; you also want to ensure you are engaging with your employees to get the best out of them.
There are many other things you can implement if you don’t already have them. For example, here at Beaumont People, we have a “buddy system” where you are set up with a “buddy” who is outside of your team that you have monthly catchups with. They take you to lunch in your first week, so you get to know them on a personal level as well.
Jobseekers also often want access to senior managers and the C-suite which is often possible in smaller organisations.
Another suggestion could be to hold a monthly meeting of Innovations and Ideas that the CEO sits in on and anyone is welcome to join and bring ideas to the table. Giving that access to all staff members is vital for the attachment piece and feeling as if they are included and heard in the business, which is so important. Be sure to share these initiatives with the jobseeker. Don’t be afraid to share with them all the wonderful things your teams do, that’s what they want to hear!
What are your 3 absolute “must haves” when you are hiring. Only 3! Separate them from your “nice to haves” which can be a much longer list. We often will see job descriptions with 20 bullet points on it for a single job. This may distract a jobseeker from applying for your ad as they may think they can’t do it. On average, jobseekers spend 14 seconds scanning an ad and decide whether they will apply for it, so it is important to keep the ads and descriptions concise.
Culture fit is so important for the team and the business. Have a closer look at your business and your employees; everyone started off greener than they are now. They needed training along the way. Have a think about mentorship opportunities both internally and externally to engage with them. People who are happy at work are going to give you a better return on your investment so invest in them! If they are willing to learn, train them!
Not everyone fits in a “box” and working with people who worked in different industries and sectors to yours gives you amazing insight into other ways of doing things.
I came from a teaching background, having taught Maths and Science for 10 years, and stepped into Beaumont People with no recruitment experience whatsoever. However, the value alignment was there as well as the soft skills. They invested the time in training me and I have been here for 9 years. It’s worth the time, trust me!
Just as looking for a new job is a full-time job, so is hiring the right people. That is why recruitment companies exist; to take away some of that stress of hiring. We have the time, experience, knowledge, and fancy software to make your life a little easier and to reach outside of “just an advert” into our networks.
It is important to engage with not only the right recruitment company but the right consultant who you can have this partnership with. They need to be someone who you see as an extension of your business as they are in the marketplace talking about your organisation, it's people, and the role you are looking to fill.
You want someone who knows your business and understands what you are trying to achieve. In addition to finding a recruitment company that services the particular role or industry sector that you work in, find a recruitment company that your organisation has a value alignment with. They will be representing your brand in the marketplace and need to be someone you see as a trusted partner.
At Beaumont People, we specialise in all levels of recruitment both temporary and permanent across the industry areas of corporate services, customer experience and sales, education, associations and memberships, health and community services, technology, and charities. We also provide an executive recruitment service across all these sectors.
You can get in touch with us here.
You are in an amazing position to leverage the huge befits that SMEs offer. Take advantage of what you currently have in place and implement 1 or 2 of my tips and tricks and I guarantee you will see an improvement in your jobseeker attraction!
Good luck and I can’t wait to hear about your wins!
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